by Pen Tale


“The saddest epitaph which can be carved in memory of a vanished liberty is that it was lost because its possessors failed to stretch forth a saving hand while yet there was time.”

Supreme Court Justice George Sutherland, 1937

“Silence is also a kind of treason.”  Unknown

“The 26th amendment (granting the right to vote for 18 year-olds) took only 3 months & 8 days to be ratified!  Why? Simple!   The people demanded it. That was in 1971 – before computers, e-mail, cell phones, etc”.  Warren Buffett, “How to fix congress.”
This how to Nullify the 14th Amendment:  If we don’t America is lost.  It is just that simple.  Read his hold interview.:

“I’m not going to tell you.”  Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke said when asked by U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont to disclose the names of the banks, many of them foreign, that the Fed (Federal Reserve Bank, a privately held bank not a government agency) had loaned billions of dollars to on the credit of the American people..

They, the Fed, are our worst enemy let into our midst by Congress and they operate because of the 14th Amendment which was never lawfully adopted by the states.    Nullify the 14th Amendment!!!

The Fourteenth Amendment is Unconstitutional – Judge L.H. Perez: ”

“It is difficult to emphasize strongly enough, the importance of this memorandum written by Judge Perez. History is always written by the ‘victor’. In this case — again — the victor was the small group of powerful U.S. and International financiers who have orchestrated every war in which Americans have fought and died, and who have installed their minions in all levels of both federal and state government today… executive, legislative, judicial, bureaucratic. Because this group also controls the media and the educational system in America, they have successfully promulgated their version of the War of Northern Aggression which they labeled the ‘Civil War’.

Just within this past year (2000), as we broached the subject of the controlled opposition to the southern flag on the Sweet Liberty broadcast, several informed guests revealed the lies surrounding and concealing the real facts about that bloody war in which hundreds of thousands of Americans were slaughtered (brother killing brother — Christians killing Christians); whole southern states and millions of lives were destroyed; and out of the chaos… the blood, mud, fire and ashes (“utter destruction”) came the 14th Amendment which effectively dismantled the Constitution. Except… it is not valid.

We learned that the 14th Amendment was: 1) fraudulently, unlawfully, illegally proposed by the U.S. Congress rendering it null and void at the outset; 2) ratified in the Southern states by ‘rump legislatures’, literally by military force at bayonet point — threat, duress and coercion — rendering it null and void in the second instance; 3) had nothing to do with giving freed slaves citizenship status and instead created a new status of citizenship for all Americans (U.S. citizens rather than Citizens of our respective states) which in effect enslaved us all; 4) dissolved and replaced constitutional law with the ‘Laws of Commerce and Admiralty’… and 5) in a very real sense became a new constitution within the constitution.

We’ve been advised by several legal researchers (NOT lawyers) that if the autonomous states declared it’s invalidity (the 14th Amendment) the entire out-of-thin-air economic stranglehold on this nation, along with the current system of Talmudic law would collapse. No need for an amendment to repeal the 14th because it is not a lawful part of the Constitution. In fact, if the missing lawfully ratified 13th Amendment was re-inserted, the one could replace the other. To fully protect the rights of descendants of slaves, each state could declare equal rights of all legal Citizens.

Too simple? Too logical? Have we, too, become addicted to the voluminous laws so crafted by the lawyers that not even elected officials understand them? Are state legislators so brain-washed and controlled by the political hierarchy they wouldn’t even understand this concept? Read the detailed report by Judge Perez and decide for yourself… could this be undone if enough of us worked together with state legislators?”

The Federal Reserve Bank is a banking cartel of the Zionist Jewish Bankers, just a few Khazar Jews and they are engaged in four major task::

  1. Issue and control the Money Supply in America and the world.
  2. Annihilate the White Race.
  3. Enslave the dark races (their term), Blacks, Africans and Asians.
  4. No more religion, except for their version of religion.

None of the above would be possible save for the unlawful adoption of the 14th Amendment.  Their “only concern” is to insure that the “herd is not spooked” on the way to being slaughtered.  In human terms don’t have another French Revolution.  A planned revolution orchestrated by them to achieve their goals is acceptable and encouraged, when the moment is right.

No 1, was expounded by Rothschild’, “..allow me to issue the money and I care not who makes the laws.”
No 2, 3 & 4 are expounded by Rabbi Emmanuel Rabinovich to a special meeting of the Emergency Council of European Rabbis in Budapest, Hungary, January 12, 1952.

“There will be no more religions.  Not only would the existence of a priest class remain a constant danger to our rule, but belief in an afterlife would give spiritual strength to irreconcilable elements in many countries, and enable them to resist us.  We will however, retain the rituals and customs of Judaism as the mark of our hereditary ruling class, strengthening our racial laws so that no Jew will be allowed to marry outside our race. nor will any stranger be accepted by us.  These, and other endless creative crimes against the unsuspecting non Jews of the world, have earned an eternity of enmity from everyone on the planet who believes in love.  So, everyone on the planet needs to know this information because it is affecting their lives directly.”

“In defense of the world Order, U.S. soldiers would have to kill      and die. … We are not going to achieve a New World Order without paying      for it in blood, as well as in words and money.”

— Arthur Schlesinger, Jr., in     Back      to the Womb, July/August 1993 issue of Foreign Affairs
They are an arm of The Secret Empire:  “The Secret Empire, Part II: The Sinister Forces Behind World Conquest and Revolution (Paperback) Very well written and hard to put down, this book and volume 1 cover the zionist movement the FAMILIES responsible for its cause. communism, socialism, zionism, the book divulges what others fail to do, connect-the -dots. so glad i have this book in my library of 300, it has become my go to resource book.  Todd A. Migliori

They are an arm of The Secret Empire:  “The Secret Empire, Part II: The Sinister Forces Behind World Conquest and Revolution (Paperback) Very well written and hard to put down, this book and volume 1 cover the zionist movement the FAMILIES responsible for its cause. communism, socialism, Zionism, the book divulges what others fail to do, connect-the -dots. so glad i have this book in my library of 300, it has become my go to resource book.  Todd A. Migliori

Today, August 1, 2012, I witness with my very own eyes “righteous indignation” in action.  Chick-Fli-A and “Cruz wins a critical U.S. Senate primary runoff in Texas.” was “righteous indignation in action.  In both case, the American People went into action, which should send a message to the Republican Party:  “We want this ‘unrighteous crap’ to stop, we are fed up.”  .But, it cannot be a one time thing, we must let the voice of the “silent major” be heard.  Keep it up, America!!

Like so many things addressed in this info letter, it has shown up at the perfect moment in time;  I am nearing the completion of this introduction and here it is the perfect climax.  The “essences” of this info is to “ignite a fire” for “righteous indignation”  and the Lord has provided an example of what I have written pages to show. The Lord, God, Almighty works in mysterious ways, his wonders of to perform.  I count this as a blessing and approval of what I have tried to convey.

This is a tale, a story, that has never been told, except in parts and the parts seem to be unrelated until the truth is learned.  The truth will unfold before your eyes.  Had the Original 13th Amendment not been sabotaged the 14th Amendment would have been useless.  The forced unlawful adoption of 14th Amendment created Federal citizens, aka., US citizens, the US citizens were needed to make the creation of “money out of thin air” work.. The creation of money out of thin air has made it possible for “unbridled debt” and “unbridled law” to prevail through the issuing of our money supply.  To what purpose has all this been put together piece by piece over a period of 150 years?  And who is behind it and why?

It is hard to believe but the Masterminds behind the plans have in their very own words admitted that it was, is still is, their intent to annihilate the white race and when their “worst enemy is annihilated” they will be able to easily “enslave the dark races.”  Once one can fathom the implications of so bold a plan, everything will fall into place, as to why there is so much discord and lies encapsulating America.

One of the talk show host today, August 7th said it best; “the gunman at the Sikh Temple put himself above everyone else and felt that his importances made it alright to kill others.” paraphrased.  These Masterminds do the same thing on a grandiose scale involving millions of people.  That is how important they think that they are. Murder and mayhem, lying, cheating and stealing are their thrills, their forte.

America lies in the balance, either we get rid of these thieving cowards, always working in secret and through enticements enlist others to do their dirty work or they will continue their planned demise of the white race and the enslavement of the dark races.  We have a choice, but time is running out.  NULLIFY THE 14TH AMENDMENT NOW!!!

We are in a life as we know it struggle or becoming the life of a corporate slave, the infrastructure already exist in the 14th Amendment.  The 14th Amendment was never lawfully adopted through Article V of the US Constitution, it was forced upon the South by a “lame duck” Congress and an overzealous Union Army and in reality will, if left standing, totally enslave THE SOUTH AND NORTH, THE EAST AND WEST AND ANYWHERE ELSE A (US) citizen resides.

(corporation) A group of individuals, created by law or under authority of law, having a continuous existence independent of the existences of its members, and powers and liabilities distinct from those of its members; In Fascist Italy, a joint association of employers’ and workers’ …

(Corporation) A legal entity, chartered by a U.S. state or the federal government, and separate and distinct from the persons who own it. It is regarded by the courts as an artificial person; it may own property, incur debts, sue or be sued.

An artificial person may be sued or sue, but it cannot represent itself in a court of law; hence we are always told we need legal representations.  (US) citizens, as we now know them, are artificial persons created by Congress “in a path not taken by the US Supreme Court’s ruling on citizenship in the Slaughterhouses Cases.”  The Northwestern Law Review  paraphrased.  .

The original 13th Amendment, kept hidden all these many years, forbade the existences of “lawyers” and “honor”, as in “your honor” in a courtroom or any elected public officer.  This was a “title of nobility” and had to be renounced or suffer the loss of citizenship.  That was the purpose of the original 13th Amendment being kept hidden; The lawyers were needed for an “evil” purpose.  It has surfaced again and the battle rages.  It is pointed out here because it fits in with the unlawful adoption of the 14th Amendment.  Without lawyers, the 14th Amendment would be purposeless.  One belief is that John Quincy Adams then Secretary of State, being a lawyer himself, subverted the issue by not allowing Virginia’s adoption of the Amendment to stand.

In small cases in state run Article IV courts, government courts, not the people’s courts which are Article III courts, it may be waived to keep the “sheepeople” from being upset and maybe find out the truth.  Among other things, our Social Security Number and Birth Certificate, your date of birth that you are constantly being asked for as part of your identification, are held by the Federal Government as a corporate ID in the Commerce Department. This is a part of the hidden meanings in the ruling of the courts that a corporation is considered as an individual.  This includes corporate (US) citizens as well as Federal and State chartered corporations under the guise, pretense of the 14th Amendment..

It is not there FOLKS, just one of the many shames hidden, by the Masterminds, from the (US) “sheepeople” citizens, whom the Supreme Court has twice ruled must do as they are told; corporations exist at the “will and pleasure” of the government.  We, the (US) citizen, belong to our creator, our master, the Masterminds, at least the artificial person does.  Its not there, but the “Overseers” for the Masterminds behind the 14th Amendment is there; the “Overseers” are the Federal Government, our elected officials sworn to protect us, says it is and therefore it is.. The important thing here is that without the Federal citizens, (US) citizens, the creation of money “out of thin air” by the Masterminds would not and could not work without lawyers and your honor,  The (US) citizen is a person, but the government through trickery created an artificial person, whose every action is controlled by statutory law, outside the Constitution. This is ludicrous, a work of “evil intent.”  The work of the Devil himself.

There is way too much to explain here as with the corporate slave, but I am 80 years old, have been reading everything that I could get my hands on since 1970, every word is true.  Please except this on faith and after reading all the info, draw your own conclusions.  The Lord is my shepherd and I am one of his sheep, I know my master’s voice, please take heed for the sake of this Great Country of ours.

“Sheepeople” are not sheep, though sometimes they appear to be.  Sheep have no say so as to whom their shepherd will be, but (US) people, (US) citizens still have a say.  We can say (choose) who will be by our representative by our vote, the only thing left that we can do.  We can no longer depend on the President, nor the Supreme Court; nor our respective state, the last hope for us and mankind is electing officials to Congress who possess “righteous indignation.”  There can be no substitute, they must know and be willing to act for what is “good and righteous” or we are lost “SHEEPEOPLE” FOR SURE.  NULLIFY THE 14TH AMENDMENT!!!!

Playtime is over, recess is over, this is a real life drama being played out right before our eyes.  Who is responsible for the havoc oppressing the (US) citizens of America?  That is the question before us.  “To be or not to be” a (US) citizen is the question. It will be decided?  Does anyone know the ramifications of being a (US) citizen? . All of our time and energy is being directed toward a phantom of shadows, illusions that are far from being what they seem to be, chasing reflections, that mirror reality, smoke screens and a maze that goes nowhere.but to a dead end.  Endless rules and regulations, layer upon layer.

It is time for a reality check, who is doing what to (US) citizens?  It is virtually impossible to correct a problem, when no one knows who is behind the problem, why are they doing the things that are being done? and what do they expect to gain from their activities?   We must always seek the responsible party.

So, to whom am I addressing this, are you like the “wise old owl,” always asking, “who, who are you, what are you doing here and why are you doing it,.state your purpose for being here?” or are you like “chicken little,” grabbing a piece of whatever, not checking to see if it is even what you think it is and run around expounding on something you know little about?  Or are you somewhere in between?  It is one thing to be a pasty or a dupe, but to be a “dunce” is a “horse of a different color.”

“derived from people comparing registration certificates listing color and noticing that the certificate description did not match the color of the horse being observed.  And I thought this referred to a gray horse or an odd color.”

I have told you that there are tfour things that are being addressed by a group of Masterminds, who have been at it before the ink dried on our Constitution.  Are we so naive as to believe that the King of England and the Bank of England laid down and died and “gave up the ghost” of a chance of conquering America?   I don’t think so, the Bank of England tried three time to establish its bank on American soil, once as the 1st Bank of the United States, the second time it was the 2 Bank of the United States and the third time it was the Federal Reserve Bank.  The King of England is a major stockholder in the Bank of England which has been renamed the Federal Reserve Bank in America.   It is not a Federal Bank, it is not a government agencies no more than Fedex is a government agency.

The 14th Amendment at it onset was “crafted in evil” and with evil intent set in motion and has been forced upon (US) citizens through evil deeds.  Why has it taken nearly 150 years for its real intent to come to life.  The real intent is being expressed today in America, the real intent was to annihilate the white race and enslave the dark races (the terms used by the Masterminds behind the forced unlawful adoption of the 14th Amendment.).  Who are these Masterminds from the past that still exist in America today and are wrecking evil upon the (US) citizens?  Congress, the President and the Supreme Court work for these Masterminds by continuing to carry out their evil intent, whether it is willingly or unknowingly?

It can be stop;  S T O P :  T H I N K ;  who is making the laws that continue to plague (US) citizens?  Who is enforcing the laws that are plaguing (US) citizens?  Who is upholding the laws that are plaguing the (US) citizens?  Mostly whites, whom the Masterminds have admitted they intend to annihilate,  our politicians are! while the masterminds sit in their ivory towers and drink their mint juleps, eating caviar and laughing at the lowing herd all the way to their bank, The Federal Reserve Bank.

It is all here, if you are the wise old owl you will want to know more.

Rise up you son of the Republic
Rise up in acclamation
Stand with righteous indignation
Without any reservation

For the rulers of perdition
Have for (US) citizens great AMBITIONS
Ambitions of their own
With burdens to break our bones

Rise up you son of the Republic
Stand with righteous indignation
Many of (US) are filled with frustration

Stand for truth, with righteous indignation or live the life of corporate slaves of Congress, our “overseers,”guided by the“Thieving Masterminds” behind it all.  We still have the choice, while we can speak up and vote for righteous politicians to fill our offices, who will put our safety, their safety and our children’s safety above all else.  Time is running out.

“Righteous indignation is typically a reactive emotion of anger over perceived mistreatment, insult, or malice. It is akin to what is called the sense of injustice. In some Christian doctrines, righteous indignation is considered the only form of anger which is not sinful, e.g.” …

“These Plundering  Masterminds” behind the infamous 14th Amendment are saying to (US) citizens, though it is silent,  “Come with me to Babylon, if you like, and I will look after you;”  Jer 40:4  I will give you whatever your heart desires, just follow me into oblivion is what they are doing to us, the (US) citizens of the Congress of The United States.   We will understand when we know the differences between the (US) citizen, a citizen of Congress residing in a state, entitled to “privileges and immunities” imposed by Congress  at the behest of these “Masterminds,” desecrators of society and a State Citizens, who is a Citizen of these united States of America, entitled to the protection of the “Bill of Rights.”   Read the Slaughterhouse Cases, a portion of which you will find at the end of this info.

“But today I am freeing you from the chains on your wrists.” “Look, the whole country lies before you; go wherever you please.” If we break the chains of the 14th Amendment, by Nullifying it!!  We will again be free to roam the country.  Only If we will act on the side of right and stand for “truth and reject the lie” that the infamous 14th Amendment is a true document.  It is not true for it is tainted and riddled with lies, after lies, after lies, on and on, ad nauseum.

There are endless people researching the problems facing America, but to my knowledge none have put the research together in any coherent form.  This I have done and every bit is based on facts though Disney like characters from the Book of Revelations are substituted for many because these have the characteristics of the real life players.

There is an “essence” that exist in every story, I believe that the essence in “The Book of Revelations” is this:  in life, we are always choosing between what is “right” and what is “wrong.” We are always choosing even when we are unaware of it.  We choose vocally and/or by our actions to be on the side of right, “the man on the white horse” or we remain silent and do nothing and  by default allow wrong, “evil” to slip in, “the serpent, the old Devil” in the garden of Eden, which became a garden of Evil. We either eat of the fruit of “goodness” by choosing what is “good and “right” or we eat of the bitter fruits of evil by allowing D’evil to creep in.

The chains of inaction, silently accepting whatever is tossed to the “dogs,” must be cast off by action, even if it is only verbal, “Nullify the 14th Amendment,” it is the root of all evil that exist in America today, eat of the fruit of “goodness and righteousness” or remain silent and continue to eat the bitter fruit of discord and hate and evil of all sorts fostered upon us by the “Masterminds,” nefarious, criminals of the highest order, behind the 14th Amendment..

“So now Mr. Obama has unilaterally decided to undo the reforms put in place by President Clinton. These were reforms that had really worked to both reform a bloated program, and to make people more self-reliant. Why would President Obama make a decision to reverse reforms that have been so beneficial?

This action should remove any doubt. The agenda of Obama and the Democrats is to foster as much government dependence as possible. Self-reliant people and people employed by the private sector are not able to be controlled and manipulated like those dependant on a government handout.”   Ending welfare as it is,  by Karl K. Gruber, Published by Charleston Mercury, a subsidiary of the Post and Courier.  July 2012

Obama makes no decisions, he is told what to do and when to do it and where to do it and how to do it.  How is it possible that Obama does and says all the these things being accredited to him, yes they are done under his administration, but there is no way that he can know all this in his less than four years; particularly when he is never in the Oval Office.  It is not possible.  These are things that have been planned for a long time and have been lying on the self for just the right moment and the right Pasty, Dupe to implement them.   These are things such as the above and countless similar things orchestrated by The Masterminds, Sorcerers, behind the far left and behind Obama, all done through the infamous 14th Amendment.

The chains of inaction, silently accepting whatever is tossed to the “dogs,” must be cast off by action, even if it is verbal, “Nullify the 14th Amendment,” the root of all evil that exist in America today, eat of the fruit of “goodness and righteousness” or remain silent and continue to eat the bitter fruit of discord and hate and evil of all sorts fostered upon us by the “Crafty Masterminds of the 14th Amendment.”

Yes, there is a God of the Universe, but there is a Lord of our lives and that Lord is Good or Evil.  Good requires action, which requires energy, which is the “essences of life” and will keep the life we now know or we can do nothing and default to Evil and allow it to creep (slither) in, inaction, no energy which is death, “the pale horse,” the serpent that slithers in unaware and saps the life out of us.

In life, we are always preparing for the battlefield at Armageddon, either we choose to stand for righteousness, having righteous indignation, not sometimes when it’s convenient and “polite,” or we by default “fall” for sin, the act of a coward, notwithstanding that there are times when silence is demanded for survival.  Sometimes Silence is Golden, sometimes silences is the act of a coward and will lead to more and more abuse.  We are now in that time, it is either or “Stand for righteousness or fall for evil and I mean really fall down the slippery slope to slavery.”


This is a story about two types of people in this United States of America, if this were any other country I could use the words two citizens of the United States, but not here in America, sounds confusing doesn’t it? Once we know and understand the difference in these former two classes of citizens, we should all be, as mad as hell!!!

The first class of citizens were the State Citizen and a Citizen of these united States of America.  These Citizens wrote the Declaration of Independents, wrote the States’ Constitutions and the Constitution of the United States to protect them (the State Citizen) from encroachment of either government, state or Federal.  This is of the utmost importance, these documents were written to protect the “Original Owners” from their governments.   These Citizens were first and foremost a Citizen of their respective state and by virtue of this were a Citizen of the United States for protection in a Federal Territory and abroad (out of the country), these Citizens owed nothing to the Federal Government, other than an excise tax on certain goods.  They did not owe the Federal Government allegiance, their allegiance was to their respective state.

Robert E. Lee, the highest ranking Confederate General, a graduate of West Point, when asked which side of the “War between the States” would he serve on, he said, “whichever way my state (Virginia) goes.”

These Citizens had the protection of the “Bill of Rights,” which limited the Federal Government’s involvement with them.  You hear all about the Bill of Rights, but now it is missed used and misapplied.  They did not pay income taxes to the state nor to the Federal Government, the Federal Constitution prohibited the “laying of a direct tax on the individual.”  The State Citizen was not liable for the Federal (Congress and the President’s) debt, the state governments were.

We are being lead to believe that the 16th Amendment gave the Federal Government the authority to lay a direct tax on individual’s income and it did, but income means a return on an investment.  The Income Tax Code, is not positive law, and  in it, it defines income as salaries, wages, labor, etc., it only applies to Federal Employees; it has nothing to do with the 16th Amendment.  These legerdemain Masterminds, as in all cases, have polluted who is a taxpayer by deception, explained later.   The Supreme Court ruled that the 16th Amendment “gave the Federal Government no new taxing authority,”  this has been successfully covered up.  All of this has been done through acts of Congress, whom These Manipulator Masterminds of the 14th Amendment now control.

The second class of citizens were the freed slaves that had no rights, THE 14TH AMENDMENT was put forth as an Amendment to put the citizens of the United States, US citizens,  “on an equal footing with the state Citizens.” These citizens, when spoken of, are US citizens, always spelled in lower case.  The Privileges and Immunity Clause doesn’t even fit.  Privileges and Immunities historically were granted by the King to Nobility.

The infamous 14th Amendment was put forth to give citizens with no Constitutional rights, this means, the protection of the “Bill of Rights,” the protection enjoyed by the state Citizens, protection through the Bill of Rights from government interference.  The Slaughterhouse Cases recognized this distinction, believing that this was the intent of the Amendment and ruled that way.  These Conniving Masterminds behind this falsified adoption had other plans for America when they had it forced on not just the South, but NORTH AND SOUTH, EAST AND WEST AND WHEREVER THE (US) citizens reside.

It was a “coup d’etat” by the Federal Government and the Union Army.

A coup d’état (plural: “coups d’état)—also known as a coup, putsch, and overthrow—is the sudden unconstitutional deposition of a government, usually by a small group of the existing state establishment—typically the military—to replace the deposed government with another body; either civil or  military” …’état

And that is exactly and positively what the Union Army did when it replaced the Southern Governors and the Southern members of Congress with their own officers, under the authority of a “lame duck” Congress fostered by “These Secret Masterminds” behind the scenes, The Secret Empire, aka, The Federal Reserve Bank.  The Federal Reserve Bank could not and would not exist without the 14th Amendment Amendment and its convoluted form that it has taken,  “A road not taken” by the Supreme Court in the Slaughterhouse Cases.

Through trickery by Congress, the States were lured into issuing Social Security Cards to its Citizens (the State Citizen) and to the citizens of the Congress of the United States residing in their respective state, the US citizen, for a retirement program under the Federal Social Security Act.  Somewhere down the road, Congress repealed the Social Security Act, leaving everyone with a Social Security Card and no Federal Retirement.  The Retirement Program was the bait, then Congress incorporated everyone with a Social Security Card into the Federal Income Tax Code and said that they were “taxpayers”;  now we are all taxpayers with no rights, called US citizens with so-called privileges and immunities, as designated by Congress.  Now, we are all liable for the National Debt.  Taxpayers cannot argue in a court of law the issue, you have a Social Security Card you are a taxpayer.  “Slam Bam Thank You Mam.”

The Supreme Court of 1873 rules on the Slaughterhouse Cases as if the 14th Amendment had been lawfully ratified by the states and there is more than ample evidences that it was not.  Congress and the Union Army forced it on what seemed to be the South at that time, but it now turns out to be the entire Nation, NORTH AND SOUTH, EAST AND WEST OR WHEREVER A (US) citizen resides,  leaving all of us Subject/Slaves of Congress.  “Therefore it must be Nullified:”


               Let it ring through the land.

“whensoever the general government assumes undelegated powers.”  “ a nullification of the act is the rightful remedy.”  Thomas Jefferson

*********NULLIFY THE 14TH AMENDMENT********

Should be the rallying cry of the Tea Party.

Now is the time for all good men and women to come the the aid of truth and rise up in righteous indignation, just as Jesus did in his only recorded act of violence, chasing the money changers out of God’s house and said of them “you have made my Fathers House a den of thieves.”   I believe it is time for the righteous to stand for truth and to deny a lie;  the 14th Amendment is a lie foster upon us by a “lame duck” Congress and a renegade Union Army, a work of the owners of the Federal Reserve Bank behind the scene, plotting it’s (the 14th Amendment) every move to fruition.  It’s time for those, who will stand for truth, to demand that our elected representatives “chase the money changers” from our midst, they exist because of the so-called never lawfully adopted 14th Amendment.

The “money changers” had to put the 14th Amendment in place by any means available, which happen to be the aftermath of the so-called “Civil War.”  Nullify the 14th Amendment and the “money changers” will fade away with it.

This is not our ordinary battle, this is a battle of right and wrong, good and evil, truth or a lie.  America has no choice now, it will be decided, one way or the other, truth or a lie will prevail, this is America’s Armageddon.  This is not the first Armageddon, where a world ends, when a lie prevails, as it did with “Adam and Eve,” the world as they knew it died and a new world opened up and “they ate of the fruit of good and evil.”  Hebrew/Israel had it’s Armageddon more than once and each time it was because they believed and acted on a lie.

America is at the crossroad, we, the American people are on the battlefield now, we can chose truth, “the rider on the white horse,” or by default be on the side of evil, a lie, the “rider on a pale horse,” subject/slaves, which is a living death.  If this lie is allow to prevails and the 14th Amendment is left standing, the American people have lost the battle by default and we will eat the bitter fruit of evil.  There is no other, it is one way or the other.  Truth or a lie, chose which master you will serve and only if enough chose truth, with righteous indignation will America be saved.

Truth is being shouted down, propelled by the rulers of a Secret Empire, allowed into our midst by Congress, it is called by another name, The Federal Reserve Bank.  If you want to know the facts, then read on or you can accept the lie, and accept the inevitable for it is sure to come.

Nullification of (Nullify) the so-called 14th Amendment is the only “Key” to freedom. “All Americans” are being held hostage and in perpetual bondage, i.e., slavery, Whites and Blacks, as well as all of the “dark races” (not my term), our backs are against the wall, together, we are locked in a prison of “privileges and immunities” granted by Congress.  “United we stand, divided we fall.”  And the evidence is unmistakable, the Secret Empire’s constant bombardment of propaganda is unrelentless; major purpose is to confuse the issues and divide and conquer.

Sadly,  I feel a duty to inform you that we are in the “same boat” as those, who were locked behind the “East Berlin Wall,” but much, much worse off.  The Supreme Court has said so, whatsoever Congress does to its subjects/slaves, i.e., (US) citizens, must be approved by the Supreme Court.  They have said it twice!!!

We have one ace in the hole, our vote, vote for those, who, when they go to congress, will respond to our “demands” for nullification.  There is no other way known to me.  It is the final effort, public reaction must be so strong that they, the “powers to be,” know that the people are fed up!!!!  (US), as in us, we the citizens have no standing in court under the so-called 14th Amendment!!!  It is a “hard cold fact!!!  This Amendment is not being carried out as was its intent.  “Intent is the law,” so even if it had been lawfully adopted, the “The Federal Government,” The President, Congress and The US Supreme Court of today, have taken a “path not taken by the rulings of the Slaughter-House Cases, the original interpretation by the Supreme Court.” The Northwestern Law Review rephrased.

FELLOW CITIZENS WE HAVE BEEN HAD, by a coup d’etat of “The Federal Government.”  What are we going to do about it?  Who is really behind it all?

“There is a nothing creeping over this land,” from the movie, “The Neverending Story,” Yes , my fellow Americans,  there is a nothing creeping over America, We the people, (US Federal citizens) can do nothing (anything) without permission from our “Little Brother,” the state or our “Big Brother,”  the Federal Government.  It has “crept in,” so subtle, so silently and so relentlessly, it was always presented as a method for our protection; always to protect the public, and you and me, (US) the Federal citizen, must have licenses, permits, fees, etc, to do anything;  always for our good.  NOW THERE IS NOTHING (ANYTHING) THAT WE CAN DO WITHOUT PERMISSION,  a nothing has crept over our “god given right to be freemen” and it has been set up and propelled by “the Devils Advocate,” a Secret Empire.

It is liken to a “Huge, Enormous Giant Oak Tree” that cast a canopy over America and nothing can grow there without special care, lots of water and care; except under this canopy of “the nothing that is creeping over our land,” nothing can flourish without permission from our Big Brother, The Federal Government, or our Little Brother, our state government, who “can pass no law abridging the Privileges and Immunities of the (US) Federal citizens residing in that state.”  Yes, under the Giant Oak Tree, The 14th Amendment, nothing can survive without the “will and pleasure” of The Federal Government;  yes, us (US), as in you and me, we live and breathe at the “will and pleasure of  Our Uncle Sam.”   If you like living this way, you are “out of your ‘cotton pickin’ mind,” hopelessly and forever lost, you are to be pitied, and you should be ashamed of yourself.

“Give me Liberty or give me Death,” shouted Patrick Henry of Virginia and as “for me and my house, I will serve the Lord,”  was Joshua’s cry; I join with both and commit myself to the NULLIFICATION  of this work of the Devil’s own, The Secret Empire, operating within our borders as The Federal Reserve Bank.  This Giant Oak Tree has many roots, many are hacking away at their own particular root that bothers them, most are hacking away at the branches, yet the tap root that will wither this GIANT OAK TREE, the root of its evil is the 14TH AMENDMENT.   Nullify it or “suffer its consequences,” there is no other choice.

Isn’t it uncanny, that the Federal citizens, the United States citizen when abbreviated spells US.  US, as in you and me, Black and White and the dark races.   US, yes US, all of us are being had.  Bamboozled and railroaded down a primrose path to our “Uncle Tom’s Cabin”  being especially built and prepared by the hands of the “dupes,” “pasties” of the Secret Empire such as Obama, Former Presidents, “Dingy” Harry Reid, Pelosi, the CZARS, Congress in general, and the United States Supreme Court, and the Union Army on and on and on, ad nauseam!!!!!.   Each one that is living is “a walking target of the Secret Empire” because when they are no longer useful to the Secret Empire,  they will drop them like a “hot potato” and if they become a nuisance to the Empire, they will silence them in their own time and way.

The 14th Amendment was conceived in Fraud, it was adopted by Fraud, it was Fraudulently misrepresented to the Citizens, Congress, the Supreme Court’s first interpretations and to the world.  It was presented to put the former slaves “on an equal footing with the Citizens of each state.”  It was never lawfully adopted under Article V of the Constitution.”  Fraud invalidates any transaction and goes back to its inception.  Unlawful means, it cannot be traced back to the authority of the Constitution.  It is a violation in every way, it is as if it never existed, was a “coup d’etat by Congress and the Union Army.”

REVOKE THE FRAUDULENT 14TH AMENDMENT OR PREPARE FOR CIVIL WAR  Posted on July 6, 2012  and States Rights, Self Government?  Posted on July 6, 2012  @

The states cannot nullify it, because so long as it is accepted as “the law of the land,”  the states are powerless to act because twice, it has been interpreted by the Supreme Court as a “political issue,” which is rubbish, hogwash; a way out.  It was their sworn duty to find it unconstitutional when all the facts point to that fact.  Under its umbrella, as it is now being interpreted, the Federal Courts can overrule what was once their creator’s right, the “States Rights.”     Congress has to nullify it and when we force them to do so and we must, if we are to be a free Nation, everything will crumble, as will the Federal Reserve Bank and the Secret Empire will have to find a new home, as they did when they had to leave Venice, Italy and many of them ended up in England.

England the home of  “the Dragon,” “the first Beast,” “the Child” ready to be born , “the Woman” shining as the sun ready to “give birth,” and “the Red Dragon,” a combination of the first mention Dragon and the British Monarch.”  A very important part of the story.  As is the same “dragon,” the “woman and child” spewed upon the waters, the “second beast” and the “mark of the beast” found in America, “a land prepared for her.”  All coming soon.

Yes, just as John pictured them in “The Book of Revelations,” no I am not saying that this is the Characters that John saw for I know not what John saw in Revelations, but there can be no better description of these characters that I associate with “The Book of Revelations” because it “fits them to a T.”

With all this shenanigans, who stands to gain the most?  Who stands to gain from the borrowing of money that is now known as the“National Debt?;” did you know that under the Constitution before the so called adoption of the 14th Amendment that the State Citizens and (as) Citizens of these united States of America were not liable for Congress’ debt?  The states were liable and had to pay it through apportionment to each state.  But, the states controlled the debt through the Senate, whose representatives were appointed by the state legislatures.  The Senators were not elected under the unlawful 17th Amendment.  Every Amendment since the 14th is unlawful.  Verify it.

“The “Repeal The 17th” movement is a vocal part of the overall tea party structure,”  TPM

Nullify the 14th Amendment, you can’t repeal that which never existed, and all Amendments following it will vanish.

NOW, (US,) WE THE  FEDERAL, US citizen, ARE PERSONALLY LIABLE!!!  A “bait and switch” game of the Federal Government, fostered by a Secret Empire, aka the Federal Reserve Bank.   Who creates our “money out of thin air” and who loans it out and collects the interest on the money that they never had and gets paid back both the money and interest.  The Federal Reserve Bank, a private banking cartel that has never paid a penny taxes and has never been audited.  Who wants the White Race annihilated and has openly said so, calling Whites their most dreaded enemy?  Yet, they are in charge of the Whites’ money, their dreaded enemies’ money?  This is madness!!!  Legally, what makes this possible?  Congress, now owned and controlled by The Federal  Reserve Bank.  These Zionist Jewish Bankers, not all Jews, are an arm of the Secret Empire, which has existed throughout the world for 3000 years.  Follow the money!!   Follow the yellow brick road!!!!

Who is the AUTHOR OF THIS HORRENDOUS MONSTROSITY of an Amendment and reminds me of “the Dragon and co-Red Dragon” in Revelations?  The authors of the 14th Amendment are the owners of the Federal Reserve Bank, the Secret Empire.  We never hear about them because they always operate in secret, hence the name given to them by Cushman Cunningham, in “The Secret Empire.”
As President Andrews Jackson said of them, operating as the 2nd Bank of the United States, “You are a nest of vipers and by God I will rout you out.”  He refused to renew their charter.  The 3rd Bank of the United States, under a different name, is “The Federal Reserve Bank.”  The deceit continues until today. Bank of the United State

If one embraces the Jewish faith, one is considered to be a “Jew,” so one can be called a “Jew” and be a Gentile, or an African, an Asian, a Khazar from the “old Khazar Empire,” anything as well as a REAL LIVE FLESH AND BLOOD HEBREW/ISRAELITE.  I dare say, that this has been brought about by “the Khazar Jews,” as one of their many distractions to confuse the issue.  I dare say, that this has resulted in the near Genocide of the HEBREW/ISRAELITE PEOPLE, because they have “borne the brunt” of the repercussions of the antics, the outrageous, unmerciful tricks, of the Secret Empire.  History is full of the persecution of the Jews, when in reality, it is not the “real flesh and blood, I believe in ‘one God’ Jew,” but it is “I am of the Devil, a Khazar Jew, who confronted Jesus relentlessly, and was described by Jesus 2000 years ago.”   How can you tell them apart, one way is to know their station in life; they don’t mingle with “the low life, no better than cattle, dung of humanity” (their words not mine).

Hannity says, “Obama has failed on all his policy.”  Form the conservatives perspective, he is right.  According to Rush, the far-left considers Obama a failure because he has not done enough, has not gone far enough to suit them.  Obama doesn’t care one way or another, he hopped on the gravy train a long time ago just for the ride and what he can personally get out of it.  The Secret Empire is the winner, for never in their wildest imagination and dreams will it ever be possible to have conditions as they are today and a “PATSY,” a gullible “DUPE,” such as Obama; believing that he is doing all of this on his own volition and capacity.

Obama is not, he doesn’t really know why he is doing a thing and he doesn’t care why he is doing it, literally, he is told where to be and when to be there and what to say and what they, “ANOTHER DUPE,” “PATSY,” his Czars, want the results to be, so he will know how to deliver his actions to get the desired results.  He has no qualms about anything, being devoid of feelings and ethics.

The world’s greatest writers of all times could not have dreamed up or made up a story, like the story of Obama;  I believe that John, writing in Revelations, has come the closest.  Obama’s lack of moral fiber and gullibility is the reason for the “fast and furious” policies being shoved down our throats by the Secret Empire, through the Czars in Obama’s regime, handpicked by them, not by Obama; it would be a miracles of miracles for similar circumstances to ever exist again in this proportion.

(Gullible) “Capable of being gulled or duped; easily cheated, befooled” (OED). Incapable of rational argument due to generally unhoned critical thinking skills.”

“The quality of readily believing information, truthful or otherwise, usually to an absurd extent.”

It may be that they believe now is the time should Obama lose the election.  Obama will go down in history as the “all time GULLIBLE President,” the most naive for that matter.  Rush said it best before Obama was elected, “he is an empty suit.”  There is absolutely nothing to him; walking flesh and blood and the only thing inside him is his misguided gullible brain and his organs and waste; his epitaph should read: THE GREATEST PATSY OF ALL TIMES.

“marked by or showing unaffected simplicity and lack of guile or worldly experience; …..; ‘the naive assumption that things can only get better”; ‘this naive simple creature with wide friendly eyes so eager to believe appearances.’   Inexperienced.   Uninstructed: lacking information or instruction; ‘lamentably unenlightened as to the laws.’  Uninitiate: not initiated; deficient in relevant experience; ‘it seemed a bizarre ceremony to uninitiated western eyes’; ‘he took part in the experiment as a naive subject’”

He is filled with guile ;

“noun: wile, deceit, ruse, craftiness, trick, deception, trickery, artifice, fraud, slyness, craft, wiliness,”  Google tool.

Wow, and that isn’t the half of it.  He believe that he is the greatest and beloved by all, a narcissist,

“(narcissistic) egotistic: characteristic of those having an inflated idea of their own importance”

“(narcissism) self-love: an exceptional interest in and admiration for yourself; ‘self-love that shut out everyone else” and everything else.

Some will say I’m a racist and to that I say to them, “stop your lying,” I do not want to hear it.  It is the very thing the Secret Empire has fostered upon us to create faction among the races.  The Secret Empire is propelling Obama to put every board and plank and nail in “Uncle Tom’s Cabin” that is being created by their “pasties,” for everyone of (US), Black, White and the dark races as they call them, .

If one can grasp the following, one will know what is behind it all, gun control, people control, land control, and the annihilation of the “White Race,” Genocide of the White State Citizens, who stand in an Empire’s way and still do, if we can act in time.  But, time’s running out.

“We will openly reveal our identity with the races of Africa and Asia.  I can state with assurance that the last generation of White people is now being born.  Our Control Commissions will, in the interest of peace and wiping out inter-racial tensions, forbid Whites to mate with Whites.  The White women must cohabit with members of the dark races, the White men with Black women.  Thus the White race will disappear, for mixing the dark with the white means the end of the White man, and our most dangerous enemy will become a memory.”  Rabbi Emmanuel Rabinovich to a special meeting of the Emergency Council of European Rabbis in Budapest, Hungary, January 12, 1952.

“and our most dangerous enemy will become a memory.”

So, what could be clearer, who is this Rabbis?  Who does he knowingly represent?  He is speaking for “the enemy from within” America, the Secret Empire, “The Federal Reserve Bank.”  The very people that control our money, therefore, our lives, have sworn to annihilate the “White Race” and enslave all others!!  They are well on their way.

‘Their plans are for a North American “wilderness.”  “Agenda 21: How Globalist Domination Happens on a Local Level;  Agenda 21 wants to, among other things, bring the American lands back to rewilding.  The non-governmental organization (NGO) The Wildlands Project (WP) is a focusing of the American landscape in preservation for “future generations to inherit a continent rich in wildlife, with plenty of room for all species to roam.”’  Susanne Posel, Occupy Corporatism, July 7, 2012.. “This does not necessarily mean that there will be room for humans….”

It started out so innocently, 3033 counties in the US, at once, all were introduced to the UDO (Unified Development Ordinance, UDO as you are told to do Ordinance) that provided the infrastructure for each county to set standards for future development.  It took the land from the Private sector and made all private land conform to a set standard.  3033 counties all doing the same thing at the same time.  No one was the wiser it look so enticing to have everyone conform to one standard, but it was the first step of Agenda 21 of the United Nations to gain control of America.  How could 3033 counties all do the same thing at the same time.  Who planned it and  who paid for all the preliminary work that went into it?  Who is behind the United Nations? It’s The Secret Empire.  Only they could have pulled off such a feat.  The United Nations will be the enforcement Arm of the Secret Empire when all the whites have been annihilated, or cross bred, or neutralized to a point where resistance is futile.  It will not be the US troops as they are being used today throughout the world.  America is making the same mistake that the Roman Empire made, deployment of troops to far away from home; it was their demise.

History is being recreated in so many places and in so many ways.  If you are not  a student of history you cannot begin to understand.  The United States Government is the imitation of The Roman Empire: Ceasar, the President and the Roman Senate, Congress, which makes everything the Emperor does legal.  The state governments are now as the Pharaoh, who said, “Let it be written, let it be done.”  The state’s control all activities of the individuals under corporate law due to the 14th Amendment.  Let it be written, let it e done and enforced in their Article IV courts, state courts, not Article III Courts, the people’s courts.  In the state courts one is guilty until proven innocent whereas in the people’s courts one is innocent until proven guilty.  Unless you understand history you can’t begin to grasp the difference.

Here is the catch:  We are being enticed into doing it to ourselves.  Our elected leaders are passing the laws that the Secret Empire contrives to enslave us or annihilate us.  The Secret Empire does not make the laws, the Secret Empire does not enforce the laws, although that is the ultimate plan down the road, but now, today in America, our elected officials are doing it to themselves.  They are selling themselves and their posterity down the river along with us voting stupid ignoramus clowns.  The fact is we are all clowns, Pinocchios.  We believe the lies and will wInd up in the sweatshops of the Secret Empire.  Wake up America!!  NULLIFY THE 14TH AMENDMENT!!!!

Although the Bible is often quoted, this is not about a religious belief, it is an effort to explain (paint as vivid a picture as possible, BECAUSE what you choose to believe about God is ON your hands), who is behind the unlawful adoption of the 14th Amendment, which was never ratified in accordance with Article V of the Constitution.  The Book of Revelations is the primary scripture used to illustrate a point, as is all scripture.  The interpretation of scripture is solely mine, as I, a layman, along with the world, would really like to know what John meant.  I only wish I did.  It, the 14th Amendment, is the root of all of our political problems, more especially, Obamacare (Obamadon’tcare – says Herman Cain).  At its root, you will find the Federal Reserve Bank (The Secret Empire),  who needed (must have had) Federal citizens, (US) citizens and a hidden original 13th Amendment in order to make their creation of money work.  It is all about the MONEY and those who supply and control our MONEY, the Federal Reserve Bank, an arm of The Secret Empire.  FOLLOW THE YELLOW BRICK ROAD.  FOLLOW THE MONEY!!!!!

Obama, a puppet on the Secret Empire’s string, a ”PATSY,”  A “DUPE,”will have created more debt, over 4 trillion dollars, in his four years in office, more than any other President in history.  In fact, more than the combined debt of nearly all the Presidents.  WHO BENEFITS THE MUST FROM THE NATIONAL DEBT???  Who wants to annihilate the White Race?  What better way than to take and destroy a dynasty, than relentless debt.

The records are full of wealthy landowners, wealthy in asset, but not cash, losing it all to foreclosure on a debt owed to a bank, thereby ending the dynasty of these, AT ONE TIME, wealthy landowners, having survived many previous generations.

Nullify the 14th Amendment and you stop this madness in its tracks.

In the publication from Watch Tower Bible, “What does the Bible really teach,” Watchtower uses the Book of Revelations to set the stage for an introduction to their concept of the “Whore of Babylon” and its effect on them, which fits perfectly as my introduction to The Federal Reserve Bank and the Bank of England, a part of The Secret Empire.  The Secret Empire’s  “creation of money out of thin air” is the Dragon that gave power to the two “beast” in Revelations.

The beast in Revelations “unbridled law and unbridled debt,” both were unleashed by The Kings of England, the beast that rose up out of the sea; and by America, the beast that rose up on land, unleashed by Congress, the President and the Supreme Court. It, unbridled law and unbridled debt, walk hand in hand like the Gemini Twins, one cannot exist without the other.  Unbridled law and unbridled debt wrecks havoc wherever it reigns, but more so in America, where the Federal Government is guilty of “genocide on the ‘White Race’.”  As you will see, The Secret Empire has a stranglehold on the Federal Government through the issuing of our money; “the root of all evil.”   Follow the Yellow Brick Road.  FOLLOW THE MONEY!!!!

“The Red Dragon” in Revelations is the House of Rothschild and the Monarchs of England, who spewed the Puritans and Christians, who were not members of the Church of England, out of Europe across a vast amount of water, the Atlantic Oceans.  The Woman with child that they thought the wilderness of the new frontier would devour was man possessed with a new idea, an idea ready to be born, their child, freedom and the ability to worship the God of their choice without a mediator.  These renegades were becoming more than a nuisance, they were threatening the very foundation of “the Red Dragon’s” bid for world dominance.  After all is said and done, a great portion of the Book of Revelations is dominated with the “Whore of Babylon,” which is none other than the Secret Empire, which is the Zionist Jewish Bankers, not all Jewish bankers and certainly not all Jews are bad, though this is what the Secret Empire would have us believe.  They use the original Jewish Nations, Hebrew/Israelite, as their cover being descendants of the “old Khazar Empire,”  having adopted the Talmud.  If you embrace the “Jewish faith,” then you are considered to be a Jew.

It is believed by many that a part of their ancestors had infiltrated the Jewish Nation long before the time of Christ.  Jesus chased them out of the temple, calling them thieves in his Father’s House.  They are the ones, who tried to lead Jesus into a snare, tried to get him to say something that they could use against him, so they could “have him put to death,” it is the same tactics used by The Secret Empire’s arm, the Federal Reserve Bank, today to hush up anyone not in their camp (notice: “have him put to death” because they manipulate others to do their dirty works, A PATSY).  Doesn’t this tell you a lot about who is behind the Far left, the Democrats, the news media, etc., doesn’t this fit the bill?  fill in the blanks? “Follow the yellow brick road”  “FOLLOW THE MONEY!!!!”

America, “The Second Promised land,” is the land prepared for her, prepared by God, where her child, the Constitution of the united States of America, would be safe for a time.  As Abraham had chosen God to worship, God chose his descendants as his children, our Founding Fathers chose God’s commandments, as their rule of law, so, God chose the American people as his children,

“20 Behold, I stand at the door and am knocking; if any one hear my voice and open the door, I will come in unto him and sup with him, and he with me. 21 He that overcomes, to him will I give to sit with me in my throne; as I also have overcome, and have sat down with my Father in his throne. 22 He that has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the assemblies.”  Rev 3:20-22

“15 As my father knoweth me: even so know I my father. And I give my life for my sheep, 16 and other sheep I have, which are not of this fold. Them also must I bring, that they shall hear my voice. And there shall be one flock, and one shepherd. 17 Therefore doth my father love me, because I put my life from me, that I might take it again. 18 No man taketh it from me: but I put it away of myself. I have power to put it from me, and power I have to take it again. This commandment have I received of my father.”  John 10:15-18  Tyndale New Testament

Israel had many chances to remain as the only children of God, but only so long as they obeyed his commandments.  Their refusal to accept the Savior sent by God, in all probability, lead God to create an alternate plan. America has been under the divine protection of God and would remain under his protection so long as his Commandments were obeyed.  It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that America has breech every law of God and has allowed its leaders to become scandals and prostitutes to The Secret Empire.  Their loyalty to God, The American People, The Whites, their oath of offices to the Constitution that each one has sworn to uphold has no meaning.  President George W. Bush said, “the Constitution is just a piece of paper.”  He was right, but it was his sworn duty to make it relevant, but he did not.  Chief Justice Roberts put the final nail in the coffin, when he ruled on the “Obamadon’tcare” bill (Coined by Herman Cain) that it was a tax, coming out of “thin air.”  Hey, that’s where our money comes from, what a coincident?

Speaking of coincidence, it is a coincident that Watchtowers description of the “Whore of Babylon” just happens to match the Secret Empire; it is a coincident that the “dragon” matches the power of “money created out of thin air;”  it is a coincident that the “money created out of thin air” has given extraordinary power to England to rule the seven seas and America to be the power it is today;  it is a coincident that the Puritans and non-members of the Church of England were forced across a large body of water and save by land, America; it is a coincident that the SSN matches the “mark of the beast;”  it is a coincident that the  beast in both cases is unbridled law and unbridled debt;  it is just a coincidence that in order to buy, sell or trade one must have a SSN, etc., ad nauseum.

In the following publication from Watch Tower Bible, “What does the Bible really teach” taken from the Book of Revelations sets the stage for an introduction to The Secret Empire, which is the sole purpose of my story:

“The Book of Revelations contains expressions that are not to be understood literally.  (Revelations 1:1) for example, it mentions a woman with the name ‘Babylon the Great’ written on her forehead.  This woman is said to be sitting on ‘crowds and nations’ (Revelations 17:1, 5, 15).  Since no literal woman could do this, Babylon the Great must be symbolic.  So, what does the symbolic harlot represent?’  So, who is Babylon the Great?

    At Revelations 17:18, the same figurative woman is described as ‘a city that has a kingdom over kings of the earth.  The term ‘city’ indicates an organised group of people.  Since the ‘great city’ has control over ‘the kings of the earth,’  the woman named Babylon the Great must be an influential organization that is international in scope.  It can rightly be called a world empire.  What kind of empire?  A religious one.  Notice how some related passages in the book of Revelations leads us to this conclusion.  An empire can be political, commercial or religious.  The woman named Babylon the Great is not a political empire because God’s Word states that ‘the kings of the earth’ or the political elements of the world, ‘committed fornication with her.’  Her fornication refers to the alliances she has made with the rulers of this earth and explains why she is called ‘the great harlot.’   Rev 17:1, James 4:4.

    Babylon the Great cannot be a commercial empire because the ‘merchants of the earth’  representing the commercial element, will be mourning her at the time of her destruction.  In fact, both kings and merchants are described as looking at Babylon the Great from a distance.  Rev 18:3, 9, 10, 15, 17.  Therefore, it is reasonable to conclude that Babylon the Great is not political or a commercial empire, but a religious one.

    The religious identity of Babylon the Great is further confirmed by the statement that she misleads all the nations by means of her ‘spiritualistic practice.’   Rev 18:3.  Since all terms of spiritualism are demon inspired, it is not surprising that the Bible calls Babylon the Great ‘a dwelling place of demons.’  Rev 18:2, Dan 18:10-12.  This empire is also described as being actively opposed to true religion, persecuting ‘prophets’ and ‘holy ones.’  Rev 18:24.  In fact, Babylon the Great has such hatred for true religion that she violently persecutes and even murders ‘the witnesses of Jesus.’  Rev 17:6.  Hence, this woman named Babylon the Great clearly represents the world empire of false religion, which includes all religions that stand in opposition to Jehovah God.’ “

Having been aware of and doing a layman’s research for over 40 years, Watchtower has put into words what I could not have arrived at in my lifetime, a glowing picture of a little known empire that has been in existence for well over three thousand years.  It existed before Jesus Christ walked this earth, he chased an element of it out of the Temple in Jerusalem and said of them,

“And Jesus went into the temple of God, and cast out all them that sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the tables of the moneychangers, and the seats of them that sold doves,  And said unto them, It is written, My house shall be called the house of prayer; but ye have made it a den of thieves.”  Mat 21:12,13.

The Money Changers in the Temple, this entire story is about these money changers,”

Every word written by Watch Tower is a perfect illustration of these “Past Masters of Thieves” of all times, The Secret Empire.  Watch Tower’s conclusion misses the mark, they are looking through rose colored glasses,  when they reached the conclusion that Babylon the Great is a religious empire. The exact opposite is true, they are a satanic “economic empire,” built on the “issuing of money.”.  Where does this place them?  I will be forever indebted to The Watch Tower for they have painted a picture of what now is in this world.   This Secret Empire is flourishing in America and worldwide, bring chaos with whatever they touch. It is because of their complicity with  our Congress that they are able to wreak havoc all over the world, as well as on the populace of America.  The Secret Empire, owners of the Federal Reserve Bank, thrive on chaos and the conditions that chaos brings.

“Therefore, it is reasonable to conclude that Babylon the Great is not a political or a commercial empire, but a religious one.”  Neither, it is an economical empire ruled over by the Zionist Bankers, The Secret Empire, which is not a part of the “merchants and kings of the earth.”  “The merchants and rulers” look on in awe, because these bankers can be their friend in need and at the same time can be their downfall.  One can see why it is called the “Great Whore of Babylon,” “a great city that has a kingdom over kings of the earth.”  The term “city” indicates an organized group of people.  When one realizes that the Bank of England and the Federal Reserve Bank, supported by the British monarch and the US Congress, owned and operated by the by members of the Secret Empire, control the world’s currency, it is easy to picture “the great city that has a kingdom over kings of the earth.”

Now  you have found out that there is s force, a group of Elite Bankers protected by “our” Congress, that have vowed to eradicate the “white race” and has said that when the white race was annihilated they would be able to control the “Dark Races” (their terms not mine).  Further they have avowed that there will be no religions allowed, except for theirs, the Jewish religion, which has been adopted by them. to cover their tracks; they are working under the cover of Judaism.   Rabbi Rabinovich in his speech let the cat out of the bag so to speak:

“There will be no more religions.  Not only would the existence of a priest class remain a constant danger to our rule, but belief in an afterlife would give spiritual strength to irreconcilable elements in many countries, and enable them to resist us.”

White’s beware!  Black’s beware!  All religious leaders, as well as Christians, all religions including Catholicism, Muslim, etc;  absolutely, no one is safe unless you are of the Khazar Jews.

“The thought recently struck me that part of the Communists’ problem with Christians was their worship of Jesus Christ. That bothers Communists because it interferes with their theology (and they do have a theology). It can be summed up as “the state is god and Karl Marx is its prophet.” Interestingly enough, this is basically the same theology of the One-World Government groups, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, the Bilderberg Group and the United Nations. All these groups and others share the theology of the state being divine. They might differ on whether their prophet is Marx, Gramsci or Lenin but the “god” is always the same. For that reason these people hate and loathe Christian worship because the One True God and His Son, Jesus Christ are the objects of worship and not their state deity”  Al Brinson, Jr WORSHIP AS HOLY WAR @ APENSTALE.WORDPRESS.COM.

The first frontal assault on the American People and the war of Genocide on the White Race was the forced adoption of the so-called 14th Amendment to the Constitution, which was never lawfully ratified through Article V of the Constitution.  Originally Whites were the only state Citizens and therefore, only Citizens of these united States, and all we can talk about is Black Slavery, when maybe 5% of the Southerners owned slaves,   We had a “lame duck” congress and an over zealous Union Army ready to show the Southerners who was boss and punish them for firing on the Union troops that were “foreign” to the Southern states (the Supreme Court has ruled that the Federal Government is foreign to the state government) and foreigners were now on their land.

The 14th Amendment has been the “so-called legal infrastructure, a statute can be legal but not lawful,” for future Presidents, Congress and the Supreme Court, “The Federal Government,” to pass legislation, under the guise of protecting its citizens, the Federal Government’s citizens under the infamous so-called 14th Amendment citizens, the (US) citizen’s “privilege and immunity clause.”  From that point on, there were two classes of citizens, State Citizens, whom the Constitution protected and US citizens, who were subjects/slaves of the Federal Government, whom the Constitution now enslaves.  If you don’t understand the different, verify it.  State Citizens with all the Constitutional guarantees of the Bill of Rights and the (US) citizens with privileges and immunities granted by the President, Congress and the Supreme Court, “The Federal Government” because it takes all three to deem a statute constitutional.

“Concepts contained in the U.S. Constitution that place the citizens of each state on an equal basis with citizens of other states with respect to advantages resulting from citizenship in those states and citizenship in the United States.”

“What was meant by the Fourteenth Amendment’s Privileges or Immunities Clause?1 Did it incorporate the U.S. Bill of Rights against the states or did it do something else? In retrospect, the Clause has seemed to have the poignancy of a path not taken—a trail abandoned in the Slaughter-House Cases and later lamented by academics, litigants, and even some judges.”2   Northwestern Law Review

The Federal Government has taken “a path not taken” in the Slaughter-House Cases and on their own accord and volition convoluted the implied intent of the so-called 14th Amendment which was to give the Freed Slaves an equal footing with the “citizenship in those states and citizenship in the United States.”

Fraud began with the false doctrine that the 14th Amendment was lawfully passed.  The Supreme Court launched another frontal attack on Genocide against the Whites, State Citizens and thereby Citizens of these united States, when the Supreme Court would not rule on the Constitutionality of the so-called 14th Amendment and said it was a political issue, not a constitutional issue.  With the stroke of a pen, the United States of America’s Supreme Court declared war on the White Race and stuck a knife in the heart of every white person in America and became co-conspirators in Genocide of the White Race.  Mostly whites make up the Supreme Court, they have voted to annihilate themselves as has most of Congress; the Blacks have voted to enslave themselves.  If the 14th Amendment stands, this is the way this “real life drama” will end and I kid you not.  These “Hounds from Hell” are deadly serious, I hope that America will not wait to find out.  If we do, there will be no turning back.  The President will become as an Emperor and the enforcement arm will be “The United Nations.”  It is already planned and the infrastructure already exist.  FOLLOW THE MONEY!  FOLLOW THE YELLOW BRICK ROAD TO ENSLAVEMENT!!!!

Once Fraud is set in motion, more fraud has to be perpetrated to cover the first fraud.  The Social Security Number was originally put forth as a State Run Retirement, so the states issued SSN to their Citizens and to US Federal citizens living within their respective states all perfectly legal, but not lawful.  The Federal Government pull the “bait and switch game,” repeal the Social Security Act and then said that “anyone” with a SSN was a Federal citizen, US citizens as in WE citizens, very wee as in small, insignificant, lower than cattle citizens, dung as the Secret Empire calls (US), under the 14th Amendment where all the Fraud originated and all the fraud continues.  It was a fraudulent act bring the State Citizens into the Income Tax Code because of a SSN fraudulently issued.  The “MARK OF THE BEAST;” a mark is any identifying character.

“A line, figure, or symbol made as an indication or record of something” Google tool

With this one act of Congress, the White Race was reduced to slaves, along with the “dark races” and we no longer had State Citizens, only Federal (US) citizens residing within the state UNDER A RUTHLESS RULER GUIDED AND DIRECTED BY A SATANIC CULT OF THE D’EVIL, that old serpent that slithers in and strikes without warning.

We have a shell of a state for the owners are being held hostage under another name.  The Secret Empire, the robbers and thieves, sent their “overseers,”  the Federal Government,  now their henchmen,” with a falsified document, claiming to be the new owner of the land, everyone had to obtain a permit called a Social Security Card which allowed them to “buy and sell.”  Under false pretenses “the overseers” of the (US) Federal citizens, said that we, the (US) citizens now had  “privileges and immunities,”  they falsified the records by not calling us subject/slaves, since the 13th Amendment forbid states from have slaves or subjects or kings and queens and “Titles of Nobility.” and they failed to tell (US) citizens that the “Bill of Rights” no longer applied.   Only the Nobility have “Privileges and Immunities.”    A coup d’etat.  You can see how these Master Magician’s turn everything that they touch upside down, twisting the minds of men.  How can all these learned so-called experts, much, much smarter than I am, why have none of them, nay not one pointed these facts out.

My recollection of history is that there were two classes of citizens under the king, the Aristocrats with “privileges and immunities” granted at the will and pleasure of the king, and there were the lowly masses with a “yoke of burden upon their backs.”

By now, the court systems had been convoluted and a “taxpayer” had no recourse in a Federal Article III court; Common Law had been thrown out the window by Federal Statute and “the merry-go-round” has not stopped even until today, July 4, 2012.  “The Overseers,” the Federal Government, keep forcing “the will of the thieves upon our backs.”

“The merry-go-round” became the “Money-go-round,” and the “overseers,” Congress, tells the (US) Federal citizens how much money can be kept, by another counterfeit document the Income Tax Code, it is not a law, it is a code.  Slaves can’t own anything (there is a Federal Statute that says, the government owns all property, look it up).  The amount of money allowed to be kept is regulated by the thieves, the Federal Reserve Bank, and carried out by the “overseers,” the Federal Government.  More money is absconded with licenses, permits, fees, etc., ad nauseum.

“The money-go-round” began to seep into the states, it had to for survival, since the “the path not taken” left the states without Citizens, only (US) Federal citizens of The Federal Government which the so-called 14th Amendment said that they, the states, ‘could pass no law abridging the “privileges and Immunities” of the Federal citizen, the (US) citizen.’  The Federal Government, our               ‘Overseers,” carry out the dictates of “the thieves, “the moneychangers,” as to what these “guaranteed Privileges and Immunities” will be for the (US) citizen and the states are powerless to interfere because of the so-called 14th Amendment.  (Repetition is purposeless use to hit home the point).  Now to obtain a job one had to have a SSN and to fill out an application for a job, one had to furnish his Social Security Number, although, it is a Federal violation for anyone to ask for a SSN.  This is another of the many laws that go unenforced by design by the “all seeing eye,” the Secret Empire, known as “The Federal Reserve Bank,” the author of the Genocide of the White Citizens of the states, operating under the protection and authority of Congress, whom they now control by “issuing and regulating our money supply.”   A note is not money, it is not cash, it is a promise to pay. The all seeing eye is on the back of every dollar bill, “the FRN,” THE FEDERAL RESERVE NOTE.  FOLLOW THE YELLOW BRICK ROAD.  FOLLOW THE MONEY TO THE FEDERAL RESERVE BANK!!!!  WILL WE BE FREE OR CONTINUE DOWN THE YELLOW BRICK ROAD TO SLAVERY?

“The states could pass no law abridging the Privileges  and Immunities of the (US) Federal citizens of a state,” turned the entire Constitution upside down.  The states, who formed the Federal government to protect and defend its Citizens (THE STATE CITIZENS) and its borders, had the tables turned on them by their “protector,” the Federal Government, and through fraudulent acts, abducted the states Citizens and turn them into Federal Subjects/Slaves with no appeal because of the so-called 14th Amendment, never lawfully adopted through Article V of the Constitution.  The Supreme Court closed the gap, bring all three branches into “The Conspiracy” by ruling that they could no longer fulfill their duties under the constitution with no explanation, and took “the path not taken” by their former colleagues who ruled differently in the “Slaughter-House Cases,” by deciding that they could not rule on the Constitutionality of the 14th Amendment and rather pulled “out of thin air,” it was a political issue.

With no recourse, the states began adopting the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) into their statutes working as best they could with their “new masters,” and “Overseers,” the Federal Government.  The word “code” is not a law for everyone, only those who participate in privileges, such as driving, etc., the Income tax Code is a case in point.  At least, the Supreme Court took a half-hearted stand on the Income Tax Code and admitted it was a “voluntary tax” on the individual.  Of course, the President, Congress and the lower federal courts would not entertain any argument about how a person was liable for Federal Taxes, since it was already decided that anyone with a SSN was a taxpayer, although SSN had originally been issued under false pretenses and was now being forced on the individuals in order to survive.  FRAUD!!! The Genocide of the White Race and the enslavement of the dark races (their term) was in full swing.

The states adopted the portions of “the Uniform Commercial Code,” UCC, that fills their particular needs and established Article IV courts, mirroring the Common Law Courts, the Article III Courts.  This has been done quietly and effectively, Judges will tell a person on trial, “Don’t bring the Constitution into my court.”  Why, because the Constitution has no standing under Article IV, Section 3, paragraph 2, of the Constitution, OF COURSE NO JUDGE WILL TELL YOU THIS BECAUSE EVERYTHING IS DONE IN SECRET.  What could one expect from a Secret Empire?  You can verify this by entering a traffic, or family, ect., court and by observing the flag.  The flag will have a “yellow fringe” around it, which tells the world that it is operating under the “rules and regulations” of the  the Federal Government also known as The Chief Federal Enforcement Officer’s Flag, which is The President of the United States.  It is better known as the President’s Flag and means that the enforcer of Federal Law, the President, is in charge; better still, just enter a church that displays what we unknowing, call the American Flag and it will have a “yellow fringe” around it which tells the world that the church is operating under Federal Law, per the Income Tax Code, 501 C.  What would Jesus say about this well kept secret?  The “Overseers,” the Federal Government tells the church members how to sets their table in God’s House!!!

One more missing link in the Book of Revelations now has surfaced, describing the “four horsemen of the Apocalypse,” connecting the states:  The Governor is the person (a corporate entity under the so-called 14th Amendment) on the ‘white horse,” the legislature is the person on the “red horse,” the Secretary of State is the person on the ”black horse,” and the Attorney General is the person on the “pale horse.”  Tyndale’ New Testament calls it a “green horse” instead of the commonly accepted term “pale horse” and perhaps that is what was meant by John in Revelations, since The Federal Government is now pushing “green everything,” a ploy to further enslave its citizens, the (US) Federal citizen, by statute.

Isn’t it uncanny, that the (US) Federal citizens, the United States citizen when abbreviated spells US.  US, as in you and me, Black and White and the dark races.  It, US, yes US, all of us that are being had.  Bamboozled and railroaded down a primrose path to our “Little Old ‘Uncle Tom’s Cabin’”  being especially build and prepared by the hands of the “gulls,” the “dupes” of the Secret Empire such as Obama, Former Presidents, “Dingy” Harry Reid, Pelosi, the CZARS, Congress in general, and the United States Supreme Court, and the Union Army on and on and on, ad nauseum!!!!!.

This is an introductions of the hard cold facts contained in further material to come under, “A Pens Tale,” by Pen Tale.  The forth coming will be more complete.  The sole purpose of my story is to expose the Fraud perpetrated on the American People and the Genocide of the White Race by the Federal Government, foster by and the authors of “The Fraud,” “The Secret Empire.”   I come at the Secret Empire in the name of God, the Father, the God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, Jesus and all the peoples of this Holy One, IN THE NAME OF TRUTH!!!!  As did David, the shepherd boy, and with his slingshot and polished stone.  .

A Pens Tale

by Pen Tale, July 4, 2012

Revised July 27,  2012

Revised August 12, 2012

“In a five-four decision issued on April 14, 1873, by Justice Samuel Freeman Miller, the Court held to a narrow interpretation of the amendment and ruled that it did not restrict the police powers of the state. The Court held that the Fourteenth Amendment’s Privileges or Immunities clause affected only rights of United States citizenship and not state citizenship.”  “and beyond that we have neither the inclination nor the right to go.” —Slaughterhouse Cases: 83 U.S. 36, 67 (1873)   Miller believed that the first sentence of the Fourteenth Amendment (“All persons born and naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State where they reside”) differentiated between two citizenships, one of the United States and one of the state. Furthermore, the second sentence forbidding states from making “any law which shall abridge,” only applied to federal rights alone.[9] Thus, the “privileges and immunities” clause in the constitution only protected rights guaranteed by the United States, not by individual states. As author Jack Beatty put it, these rights included “access to ports and navigable waterways, the ability to run for federal office, and to be protected while on the high seas…they did not include what we call ‘civil rights.'”[10]
Miller argues that if the privileges or immunities clause protected the civil rights of citizens of a state from that state, then the 14th amendment would in essence be granting to the Federal government the power to protect all civil rights that had previously been protected by the states, and that “in the absence of language which expresses such a purpose too clearly to admit of doubt,” this was too radical a change to be within the scope of the 14th amendment. He asks
“Was it the purpose of the fourteenth amendment, by the simple declaration that no State should make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges and immunities of citizens of the United States, to transfer the security and protection of all the civil rights which we have mentioned, from the States to the Federal government? And where it is declared that Congress Shall have the power to enforce that article, was it intended to bring within the power of Congress the entire domain of civil rights heretofore belonging
exclusively to the States?
All this and more must follow if the proposition of the plaintiffs in error be sound…. [T]he effect is to fetter and degrade the State governments by subjecting them to the control of Congress in the exercise of powers heretofore universally conceded to them of the most ordinary and fundamental character….
We are convinced that no such results were intended by the Congress which proposed these amendments, nor by the legislatures of the States which ratified them.” —Slaughterhouse Cases: 83 U.S. 36, 77-78 (1873)

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  1. Alisia Niten says:

    May I simply say what a relief to find somebody who really knows what they’re discussing on the net. You certainly understand how to bring a problem to light and make it important. A lot more people have to read this and understand this side of the story. It’s surprising you aren’t more popular since you certainly have the gift.

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